See that little dust cloud? That was me blowing off three years of this blog sitting idle.
If you are reading this, you now have the distinct honor of becoming one of my accountability buddies for any and all of the following resolutions. I will not call them New Years Resolutions, as they will be bound for breakage. And, as it is still December where I live, it's not the New Year! Bonne Fete, Malgache!
1. Keep up with French. DuoLingo on the new phone has made it ridiculously easy to practice every day. No excuses, cherie.
2. (An offshoot of #1) Speak more French to les enfants. Henry and John need to be bilingual. Not just because it would be educational, sophisticated, and oh-so-cute, but because I promised Henry's birth mother he would be. (I doubt she cares or remembers, but I want to be a promise-keeper)
3. Be a better champion of others. This will be accomplished by keeping up with the lifelong thank-you note habit, not withholding compliments and praise (as I tend to do when I'm envious), and posting reviews of handmade and homemade products here on this bloggity blog. First up will be Heather Aunspach's absolute revelation of a homemade lotion bar.
4. Do this more. The blog thing. Inspired by Melanie McIntire (whose Facebook titles hook me right away) and Alyssa Stander (who got me thinking about this blog again by talking to me about pad thai. PAD THAI. Oh my word, pad thai.) And also Rachel Howard, who has become this amazing quilter/sewer/television personality/contest host/superwoman through her blog. I can only do good to follow in these ladies' footsteps.
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